Investor Relations
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Here you will find Netlight’s latest and previous interim reports, annual reports and sustainability reports. You will also find information about our CEOs and board members.
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Challenging the norm
In 2021, Netlight introduced an entirely new executive structure, supporting Netlight's appreciated, special organisation. With the new executive structure Netlight challenges the norm of CEO as superior title. According to the new principle two people share the role which accommodates for better representation and competence range than any single person could have.
Anders Thall

Katri Junna
Board of Directors & CEOs
Netlight AB's Board of Directors currently consists of 7 (3) members elected at the Annual General Meeting on 26 June 2024. Erik Fröberg was elected Chairman of the Board. Birgitta Elfversson, Ellen Kugelberg, Gustaf Eriksson, Caroline Lindstrand, Jonas Hovmark and Mattias Falkehag were elected as members of the Board.
Erik Fröberg
ChairmanBirgitta Elfversson
Board memberEllen Kugelberg
Board memberGustaf Eriksson
Board memberCaroline Lindstrand
Board memberJonas Hovmark
Board memberMattias Falkehag
Board memberKatri Junna
Co-CEOAnders Thall